2 Officials Implicated in Assaults

From First Page

• A former go-go dancer from Dayton allegedly had sexual relations with the same official involved with the Toledo


• An 18-year-old girl was returned to Longview State Hospital in Cincinnati, a mental hospital, after she reportedly told state investigators she had been raped by an employe wearing a mask. She said she was taken from her cell late at night into an empty storeroom at the Lima hospital.

WHILE these reporters have been investigating the cases, several of the attendants have turned the same information over the State Highway Patrol investigators assigned to the investigation under the direction of Nicholas Curci. an assistant state attorney general.

These reporters and the highway patrol investigators have also been checking reports from male patients of a hospital ward that a trusty-patient had forced them into homosexual acts with him and other pa-

tients with the approval of hospital attendants.

The trusty-patient involved allegedly has been "selling" patients to other inmates for homosexual activity, backing up his operations with threats of physical mistreatment with support from hospital employes.

Another case being investigated reportedly involves lesbian acts between a female attendant and patients in her ward.

CURCI, although he would not discuss the reports, said each is being thoroughly checked.

He said he also has received reports of patient mistreatment from Robert H. Mihlbaugh, the Lima lawyer who originally investigated hospital conditions for Atty. Gen. William J. Brown.

Curci, who has headed a state investigation of Plain Dealer disclosures about abuse of patients and other possible crimes at Lima, said he would deliver a preliminary report to Brown tomorrow.

Curci said the inquiry is expanding and would last another two or three weeks.